6m also activated

Today i recieved several Infos that we could use 6m in LA with our CEPT Licence. Great! So 6m will also be with us on Tour, Antenna here will be at minimum a 4 Ele. Yagi.

The Team

The Z03 VHF DXPedition Crew: Joachim, DO1EJK Michael, DB1MV Hayo, DG9BEW Jochen, DF1VB

3 possible qth’s

Well, yes….we know it is very dificult to have a good qth in JP31 with a good take-off to SE-SW with almost less than 2 degree of elevation. But we think that we have now 3 possible qth’s and it depends on the weather situation oan on the situation on the roads which one we […]

Now it’s live!

The hot phase has startet yesterday during our monthly Club-Meeting in Dortmund. The Team-Members met to discuss the last Things which have to be done, like buying a second generator etc. Also one of the most important things: What to eat The situation with the Antennas is also clear, we will operate with 2x 3wl […]